
" Star"
Best In Sweepstakes, 2002 PWCC Western Reserve Specialty, from the 6-9 puppy class |
1st Award of Merit at '04 Westminster Kennel Club. |
BISS, Ch Riverside The Protégé winning award of merit at '05 AKC/ Eukanuba Tournament of Champions. |
" Mausi"
Riverside Believe in Me
Winning Best of Breed at EuroCorgi in France with her owner handler Ana Pires. |
Mausi finishing her Championship. |
Ch Riv. Believe In Me, Mausi, winning the herding group from the BBE Class over a lot of specials and top herding dogs. |
" Khaki"
U-CD CH Riverside All Dressed Up CD, OAP, OAJP, RN
(Ch Sandyshire's The Phantom ROMX x Multi BIS Ch Riverside Red Alert ROMX )
WD, at the 2003 Rocky Mountain PWCC Specialty, Khaki,
U-CD CH Riverside All Dressed Up CD, OAP, OAJP, RN |
" Chi Cho"
Riverside Xtra Ordinary
(Aust. Imp. Am. Ch. Aberlee Storm Force ROM x Multi BIS Ch Riverside Red Alert ROMX)
Chi cho was a big hit at the world show in buenes aires , argentina, july, 2005. he won best PWC puppy all 4 days, won the large grp 1 all four days, was 4th runner up, two best Puppy in Shows and Runner Up Best Puppy in Show at the World Show.
Chi Cho winning Best Puppy In Show, June ’05 |
Riverside Xtra Ordinary, Chi Cho going WD at the ’05 Greater Atlanta PWCC Specialty at 6 months of age. |
Chi Cho going RWD Sunshine PWCC Specialty, Jan. ‘06. |
Chi cho finishing his championship. |
Chi cho winning a group 4 the same weekend. |
" Xtra"
Xtra winning Best Puppy In Show at the large Mississippi Coast Cluster. |
" Lilly"
Jaax Lilly On The Riverbanks
Lilly winning Best In Sweepstakes at the ’05 PWCCA National Specialty . |
" Suki"
Suki going Best Puppy In Show her first all breed show at 6 months old. |
Suki going breed from the classes. |
Suki getting a group 4. |
" Dalton"

Riverside You Are The Man
Ch Sua Mah Thanks for Believing x Ch .Riverside The Protégé
Dalton, Riverside You Are The Man winning a major his first time
in the ring at The Atlanta PWCC supported entry, from the 9-12 class. |

Dalton shown winning in April’06. |

Dalton winning WD, BOW at Palmetto PWCC Supported Entry. |
" Indi"
Indi winning back to back group 1’s at 11 months old from the BBE class for majors.
Indi, Ch Riv. In The Dark Zone winning a Group 1, under breeder judge, Pat Hess. |
Indi, Ch Riv. In The Dark Zone winning another Grp1. |
Indi, Ch Riv. In The Dark Zone, winning BOS at Rocky Mountain specialty at just 15 mo. old. |
Indi group 1 |
Indi on the cover of the PWCCA Newsletter for Top Member Owned! |
" Raine"
Raine, Riv. Raine Eweknow winning Best In Match at 3 months old. |
Riverside Raine Eweknow or Raine, winning the puppy herding group at 8 mo. |
Riverside Raine Eweknow, “Raine” at 8 mos. winning Best Puppy and RWB |
" Keenan"
Riverside Keep Believing, Keenan, at just 6 mos, placing in the 6-9 dog class, at his 1st show, the PWCCA National Specialty’08. |
Ch Riverside Keep Believe’N, Keenan, (Paris’s brother, Flynn x Deidre) Keenan is now abroad for a visit to the Netherlands with Hanno and Rachel Dijkhorst. |
" Haley"
Riverside In The Comet Zone or Haley is showing with her owner/handler, Mary Fine finishing her CDX title. |
Haley finishing her Championship. |
Indi’s sister, Haley, Ch Riverside Comet Zone CDX, RE, PT, NA, NAJ, exhibiting in agility |
" Sergio"
Sergio at work at the nursing home. He loves his visits. |
" Clare"
Ch Riverside Clare Eweknow, or Clare as we call her finishing her Championship summer ’08 in Virginia. |
" Flash"
Riverside Hot Zone, or Flash ( Indi’s brother) winning at his first shows in his home country Bogota, Columbia. |
Riverside Hot Zone, or Flash ( Indi’s brother) winning at his first shows in his home country Bogota, Columbia. |
Riverside Hot Zone, or Flash ( Indi’s brother) winning at his first shows in his home country Bogota, Columbia. |
Flash, Col, Am Ch Riverside Hot Zone finishing his Am championship. He is littermate to Radar and Indi and resides with his owners Guillermo Tamayo in Bogotá, Columbia. |
" Coco"
Coco winning back to back majors her first shows out with deb. |
CoCo, Ch Riverside CoCo Posh finishing her Ch at the Greater Houston CWCC Specialty, just like her mom, Lola did two years before. Same win, WB, BW, same specialty. |
CoCo, Ch Riverside CoCo Posh finishing her Ch at the Blue Bonnet CWCC Specialty, just like her mom, Lola did two years before. Same win, WB, BW, same specialty. |
GCH Riverside TT CoCo Posh winning her 1st Best In Show with her handler Lois Demers |
Multi BIS GCH Riverside Telltail CoCo Posh winning BOB at 2013 Westminster Kennel Club, owner/breeder/handled. Yipee!!!!! |
CoCo being owner/breeder handled to group placements after winning CWCCA supported entries in Lexington, KY |
CoCo and her handler, Lois Demers winning CWCCA specialty BOB onto an all breed BIS. |
CoCo made breed history this year by being the 1 st Cardigan to win the Herding group at Westminster Kennel Club. |
CoCo in the Best In Show ring at 2014 Westminster kennel club. She is the 1st cardigan to win the herding group at Westminster. |
" Tucker"
Tucker, Riverside Donaway Double C, needs 1 single to finish his championship. He resides in Virginia with his owner, Candy Brown. |
" GiGi"
GiGi, Riverside Get Over It, keiffer x Deidre, winning her 1st puppy herding group at 4 months. |
GiGi, Riv. Get Over It, Winning Best Puppy at Lakeshore PWCC Specialty, Oct 2010. GiGi is AU, NZ, Am BIS BISS Ch Aberlee Phantom Sequence x GCh Riv. Wicked Wonderful CGC |
GiGi, Riv. Get Over It, Winning Best Puppy at Lakeshore PWCC Specialty, Oct 2010. GiGi is AU, NZ, Am BIS BISS Ch Aberlee Phantom Sequence x GCh Riv. Wicked Wonderful CGC |
GiGi, Riv. Get Over It, Winning Best Puppy at Lakeshore PWCC Specialty, Oct 2010. GiGi is AU, NZ, Am BIS BISS Ch Aberlee Phantom Sequence x GCh Riv. Wicked Wonderful CGC |
GiGi winning at Junior World Title at the World Show in Paris, France 2011 |
GiGi winning her 1st group in Ky labor Day Shows 2011 |
GiGi Back to Back Grp 1's, Oct 2011 |
GiGi group 1 at Boca show |
Silver GCH Riverside Get Over It, GiGi, winning her 1st BIS!!! |
GiGi, GCH Riverside Get Over It, winning a one of many group placements in 2012 |
GiGi, Deidre and Mariah winning the Eukanuba Breeder Stakes Herding group in Canfield, Ohio 8-12 |
GiGi, Multi BIS GCH Riverside Get Over IT |
GiGi Multi BIS GCH Riverside Get Over IT |
Gold Grand Ch Riverside Get Over It, GiGi won her 2nd Best In Specialty. BOB at the Mayflower PWCC Specialty in Boxnorough, Mass, June 17, 2013. |
GiGi won another Reserve Best In Show. |
GIGI, winning another Best In Show!! |
GiGi Supported Entry BOB and Back to Back Group 1's in NJ |
Gigi another Reserve BIS! |
" Radar"
Radar, Ch Riverside Space Zone, (Indi and Flash’s littermate) shown winning BBE Herding group. |
" Ana Nicole"
Ch Riverside Telltail Gold Digger, Ana Nicole going BOS at the Megan competition at cardi natl’10. Bred by Me, she is owned and shown by my cardi partner, Cindy Bossi, pictured. |
Ana Nicole, sister to CoCo and Older sister to Leo, Ch Riverside Telltail Gold Digger, winning BOS at The Megan Competition at Cardigan National 2010. Ana Nicole lives and is shown by Cindy Bossi. |
Ana Nicole winning Best Opposite Sex at Western Reserve Cardigan Welsh corgi Specialty. |
" Juno"
Juno, Aylesford Riverside Juno, pictured winning the Puppy Herding Group from the 6-9 class. |
Ch Riverside Un Believable, Paris (Keenan’s sister) Flynn x Deidre, winning in Ocala. |
Her Kids ( Dharma, Mariah & Magic )
bred to Au, Nz, Am BIS Ch Aberlee Phantom Sequence, Paris's show girls: Dharma, Mariah and Magic |
" Crush"
Crush, Riv. Captain Orange winning Best Puppy at Palmetto PWCC Specialty, Crush is: Au Nz Am BISS, BIS Ch Aberlee Phantom Sequence x BIS BISS GCh Riv. Wicked Wonderful CGC, Crush lives with and is shown and trained by his owner, Lesley Hammar |
Crush has had a wonderful show career including BOB from the classes at Ohio Valley PWCC specialty 2011. Always owner handled by his owner, Lesley hammar, he is pictured here winning BOS at the Greater Atlanta PWCC specialty in 2012. Crush has 3 Champion offspring and Specialty WD son from his 1st litter. |
" Nina"
Ch Riv Play Nice |
" Lily"
Lily, Ch Riverside Pulitzers Prize, littermate to CoCo, Max and Ana Nicole |
" Fyero"
Fyero, Ch Riverside Wicked Popular 1st points, (Ch Riv Very Important x Deidre)
Kj McIver and Ozzie, Riv. Wicked Wizard (Ch Riv. Very Important x GCH Riv Wicked Wonderful ROM CGC). when KJ had to leave early for school Arvind stepped in and showed Ozzie to a group placement. Ozzie is close to his Championship and has been owner handled all the way! |
Baby Fyero winning puppy Grp1 at 3 months |
Fyero finishing his CH from 6-9 with his 3rd major |
Fyero, winning his 2nd major |
" Maybelline"
Riv. Black Magic Woman going Best Puppy In Show! Bred, Owned and shown: By Candy Brown and Deb Shindle. |
Maybelline winning best Puppy In Show. |
" Captain Orange"
GCH Riv. Captain Orange and his Owner handler Lesley Hammar winning BOS at The Greater Atlanta PWCCSpecialty. |
" Trouble"
Trouble, Ch Riv. Red Alert ROMX winning Best Veteran In Show at Greater Ocala at almost 10 years young! |
" Mia"
Mia, Riv. Don't Leave Me, at 4 mo. Winning Best in 4-6 mo. Puppy competition. MIa is by Au Ch Aberlee Leave It To Me. X Ch Riv. Believe In Me |
" Oscar"
Oscar shown winning BOS at the Greater Atlantic PWCC supported entry on a Specialty weekend, under breeder judge, Cindy Savioli. |
Oscar shown winning WD, BOW at Sunshine PWCC Supported entries the day before our specialty where he also went WD. he is pictured under breeder judge, Gerald King from England. |
" Brecon"
Ch Riverside Donaway Double C x Ch Riverside All Clare Eweknow
Brecon is another "Smart" Riverside Corgi along with her owner, handler, trainer, Patricia Calvert. She has placed and won for all her title so far and at her young age has not DQ'd yet. Knock on wood. Sister to Maybelline, Rudy and Piper. |
" Gracie"
Riverside Magic Grace Boss
Gracie is shown winning BOS in Sweeps at CWCC Western Reserve Specialty |
" Deidre"  |
GiGi BIS at Hunterdon Hills KC, Aug.’14. |
" Avery" .JPG) |
GCH Riv My Cup Of Tea, Avery winning a group in Traverse City, Mi June'15 |
GCH Riv My Cup Of Tea, Avery Reserve BIS in Traverse City, Mi June'15 |
GCH Riv My Cup Of Tea, Avery winning a group in Traverse City, Mi June'15 |
GCH Riv My Cup Of Tea, Avery winning a Grp 2 in Traverse City, Mi June'15
GCH Riv My Cup Of Tea, Avery winning a group at Boca Show, June'15
GCH Riv My Cup Of Tea, Avery winning Reserve BIS at Boca Shows, June'15
" Harley"  |
Aurora Riverside Livin' The Dream, Harley winning the breed over lots of specials at just 6 months. |
" Asia"  |
Kevin Lord with his Asia or Ch Riverside Tea For Two At Hillcrest, owner breeder handling her to WB, from the BBE class at the 2015 PWCCA Natl. Specialty. |
" Biggee Small"  |
Biggee Small or Riverside Notorious is pictured winning from the 6-9 dog class. |
" Secret"  |
Secret or Kamvalley Secret Riverside Msg, comes to us from Canada, her mom is Avery's sister, Ava. Secret is pictured winning her first Points from the 6-9 class and below winning the 4-6 puppy Herding Grp in Jan. |
" Penelope"  |
Frenchie - Grp 4 |